Moshe Pinhas
President, P & P Data Systems Inc.

I think the biggest improvement was not allowing the sales people to hide.  There was a lot more transparency in what the team was doing – so no more “I have client meetings today”, instead, “I am meeting with this client, for this amount, this is my challenge, this is the key things we need to think about.

Kyle Marsden-Kish
Vice President, Reed Exhibitions

I am writing to acknowledge the good work you have done over the past few years with your “Turn Leads Into Sales” workshops put on for our exhibitors at Assembly Technology Expo and the NEPCON events.

It is a challenge to ensure our exhibitors properly follow up their leads and truly gain the most value from their trade show investment. Your training workshop (as well as on-site 1-on-1 consultations) has been well received and valued by both Reed Exhibitions and our exhibitors.

This relationship continues to be meaningful and productive and we look forward to continuing to bring your message to our audience.

David Ross
Vice President, Sales, ExhibitGroup/Giltspur

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all the work you have done over the past few years and most recently for the “Needs Analysis Workshop” you held for our sales executives.

Your tactical, real-life approach to the training was very well-received by our team – many of which came into the training thinking it would be the “same old stuff”. In addition, the tools you built for us are now a staple part of their daily sales processes helping to not only re-enforce what was taught but get our entire team and their managers on the same page.

Dan Radomski
EASTEC Show Manager, Director of Sales for SME Expositions

In today’s times, it is becoming more critical than ever that our exhibitors get real, measurable value from their investment. Your “Turning Leads Into Sales” workshop really hit the spot.

It was clear from the number of companies that attended the workshop as well as the positive feedback we have had to date, that your help was greatly valued.

We look forward to continuing to offer your help to our exhibitors. We know that whether they just learn from the workshops or become a client of yours, their business will benefit and in turn, our company will benefit as well.

Bob Repovs
President and COO, Samco Machinery

We had no sales process, no sales manager, no CRM, no BDR… just nothing. We would quote, quote and then guess what, we would quote some more! The results were mediocre and we had no visibility on our sales guys, pipeline, activity, etc.

We had no one to manage our sales people day in and day out. Despite not knowing “our business” which is metal forming capital equipment, they were able to identify with the process, because let’s face it, selling is selling. The system was tweaked for our liking and the sales guy’s time were better spent in front of customers instead of in front of the computer quoting.”

I would have no hesitation to recommend Darren and his team for your company. They will most certainly improve your sales processes, strengthen your sales tools and visibility, assist your sales staff if and when needed, and potentially identify weak sales members depending on how deep you let the relationship get. 5 star recommendation!!!

Justin Galego
Sales Representative, EXCO Canada

I respect you and your team for what they have done to help me personally and I thank you guys greatly.

These are several good examples of what I do or have learned to become what I am today:

  • I now have proper email techniques to help the readers
  • I now ask proper question in the right situations which I wouldn’t do before to get the answer I want or need
  • I have learned about human nature and its relation to sales and use it to my advantage whenever possible
  • I can use Salesforce as a tool to organize emails/report/expenses

Going forward, I can use this knowledge to further increase my skills and to hopefully be very successful in this business. I feel I have been engaged in our training and homework and this helps with my confidence in the field.

Chris Love
Vice-President Sales and Marketing, Exco Technologies

Yes I would recommend Darren’s team for your SFA. It is a significant investment to purchase and set up a SFA program and I now believe we would have made the same mistakes and received only part of the systems benefits if we did not have assistance from outside the company.

Ian R. Williamson
CEO, Pines Technology

I can unconditionally recommend Darren’s group.

We have worked with them for four years and they continue to impress. You probably know how difficult it is to change the culture of a mature company. Otherwise you wouldn’t be considering Focus.

It requires patience, determination and a good deal of faith… Let me warn you, Darren is tough and doesn’t accept underachievers. He will push you hard to enforce the discipline the sales process requires. He’ll change it if it’s not working but if he thinks it’s you or your people aren’t performing, he won’t be shy to tell you.